Pupil Premium and Catch-Up Strategy
Pupil Premium Report and Action Plan 2024-2025
Our aim is to raise the ambition, attainment, self-esteem, and resourcefulness of DA/PP students so that they achieve excellent outcomes comparable with their peers and make a successful transition to the next phase of learning.
Key priorities:
To have high expectations of each individual learner whether Disadvantaged or non-Disadvantaged.
To raise the achievement of Disadvantaged students.
To continue to aim to meet or exceed National figures for % achieving English and Maths and P8 averages and to close the gap between Disadvantaged students and their non-Disadvantaged peers (attainment and progress), working towards a smaller gap at WBHS than national across all GCSE measures.
To increase the self‐esteem, confidence and ambition of Disadvantaged students by enhancing their culture capital, ensuring they have access to a wide range of opportunities including trips, curriculum Raising Achievement events and SMSC experiences (spiritual, moral, social, cultural).
To work effectively and closely in partnership with the parents of Disadvantaged students.
To continue to improve the effectiveness of transition work with the 4 feeder Middle Schools in relation to Disadvantaged students including a tailored transition plan.
To maintain a record of no NEETS by continuing to provide high quality Post 16 guidance, advice and support from members of the LT.
To improve attendance rates of Disadvantaged students through individual or group initiatives.
Pupil Premium Funding Allocation:
PP allocation for 2024-25
| £ TBC
Recovery premium
| £0 carry over from 2023
Pupil Premium Numbers:
2024/25 Year group
| PP students
| % of PP students
| 35
| 10
| 47
| 11
| 44
| 11
| 16 (previously PP)
| -
| 29 (previously PP)
| -
Who is eligible:
Disadvantaged Students:
Any child who used to be eligible for free school meals – FSM Ever 6
Any child current eligible for free school meals – FSM
Looked after children (foster care) - LAC/CIC
Previously looked after children (adopted children) - PLAC
Service Children:
Parents in the armed forces - SPP
We will be building on the 2024-25 initiatives and filling any gaps in learning in the following ways:
Year 8 – transition activities:
Transition project with Middle Schools to ensure no ‘dip’ in performance Years 8 to 9. Liaison with Middle School PP leaders to discuss students joining in Year 9.
Year 9:
Attendance monitoring and reward scheme for those with under 90% attendance across all year groups.
Careers and options guidance with dedicated members of staff.
Year 9 raising achievement initiatives - cross curricular projects – Autumn term
Targeted cross curricular project – summer term.
Year 10:
Purchase a set of subject Revision Guides, where needed, for Year 10 students to aid with revision as well as any essential equipment and additional subject specific learning tools
‘Out of your comfort zone’ trips- to build confidence, team working and self-belief for students in Year 10.
Arrange Connections career appointments for Year 10 students in the summer term
Aspirational progression pathways, connexions interview - visits to employers, local colleges, and universities.
Targeted raising achievement and attendance groups following triage.
Year 11:
Continue to allocate each Year 11 PP student a key worker/mentor to support learning and help in preparations for GCSE.
‘Out of your comfort zone’ trips- to build confidence, team working and self-belief for students in Year 11.
Small group additional tuition in Maths and English for Year 11 students not making expected progress - starting in the autumn term.
Sixth Form mentoring across a range of subject for Year 11 students not making expected progress.
Pre St James’ Park visit to ensure all students make the most of this opportunity
Year 11 Learning Conference at St James’ Park with a motivational speaker and job interview – pre SJP visit for specific target groups.
Create additional assessment opportunities where funding may be a barrier i.e. GCSE PE climbing.
A 'Power Up’ event in Term 1 with employers and educational providers' fair.
All years:
Regular training for all staff and trainees on the Pupil Premium and supporting students.
Whole school, departmental and individual Raising Achievement initiatives and trips
Targeted revision/catch up workshops and clubs.
Funded music lessons and financial support for educational activities such as sports day or theatre visits where appropriate.
More frequent monitoring and contact with parents regarding progress and students’ attendance at support sessions.
Nutritional support where needed.
Access to uniform and PE kit.
Bespoke intervention for groups and/or individuals where needed.
Previously looked after children & children in care:
All students are allocated with a specialist non-teaching keyworker who supports teaching and learning, and their social emotional and mental health.
- Pupil Premium Strategy (including evaluation) 2023 Download