'All groups of students make outstanding progress from their starting points' Ofsted

Pupil Premium and Catch-Up Strategy

Pupil Premium 

Pupil Premium Report and Action Plan 2023-24 

Our aim is to raise the ambition, attainment, self-esteem, and resourcefulness of DA/PP students so that they achieve excellent outcomes comparable with their peers and make a successful transition to the next phase of learning. 

Key priorities:  

  • To have high expectations of each individual learner whether Disadvantaged or non-Disadvantaged. 

  • To raise the achievement of Disadvantaged students. 

  • To continue to aim to meet or exceed National figures for % achieving English and Maths and P8 averages and to close the gap between Disadvantaged students and their non-Disadvantaged peers (attainment and progress), working towards a smaller gap at WBHS than national across all GCSE measures. 

  • To increase the selfesteem, confidence and ambition of Disadvantaged students by enhancing their culture capital, ensuring they have access to a wide range of opportunities including trips, curriculum Raising Achievement events and SMSC experiences. 

  • To work effectively and closely in partnership with the parents of Disadvantaged students. 

  • To continue to improve the effectiveness of transition work with the 4 feeder Middle Schools in relation to Disadvantaged students including a tailored transition plan. 

  • To maintain a record of no NEETS by continuing to provide high quality Post 16 guidance, advice and support from members of the LT. 

  • To improve attendance rates of Disadvantaged students through individual or group initiatives. 

 Pupil Premium Funding Allocation:  

PP allocation for 2023-24 
PP funding 
Recovery premium 
£30,583 – as of Sept 2023 

 Pupil Premium Numbers: 

2022 Year group 
PP students 
% of PP students 
  31 (previously PP) 
17 (previously PP) 

Who is eligible: 

Disadvantaged Students: 

  • Any child who used to be eligible for free school meals – FSM Ever 6 

  • Any child current eligible for free school meals – FSM 

  • Looked after children (foster care) - LAC/CIC 

  • Previously looked after children (adopted children) - PLAC 

 Service Children: 

  • Parents in the armed forces - SPP 

We will be building on the 2022-23 initiatives and filling any gaps in learning in the following ways: 

Year 8 – transition activities: 

  • Transition project with Middle Schools to ensure no ‘dip’ in performance Years 8 to 9. Liaison with Middle School PP leaders to discuss students joining in Year 9. 

Year 9: 

  • Attendance monitoring and reward scheme for those with under 90% attendance across all year groups. 

  • Careers and options guidance with dedicated members of staff. 

  • Year 9 raising achievement initiatives cross curricular projects – Autumn term 

  • Targeted cross curricular project – summer term.  

Year 10: 

  • Purchase a set of subject Revision Guides, where needed, for Year 10 students to aid with revision as well as any essential equipment and additional subject specific learning tools 

  • ‘Out of your comfort zone’ trips- to build confidence, team working and self-belief for students in Year 10. 

  • Arrange Connections career appointments for Year 10 students in the summer term 

  • Aspirational progression pathways, connexions interview - visits to employers, local colleges, and universities. 

  • Targeted raising achievement and attendance groups following triage.  

Year 11: 

  • Continue to allocate each Year 11 PP student a key worker/mentor to support learning and help in preparations for GCSE. 

  • ‘Out of your comfort zone’ trips- to build confidence, team working and self-belief for students in Year 11. 

  • Small group additional tuition in Maths and English for Year 11 students not making expected progress - starting in the autumn term. 

  • Sixth Form mentoring across a range of subject for Year 11 students not making expected progress. 

  • Pre St James’ Park visit to ensure all students make the most of this opportunity 

  • Year 11 Learning Conference at St James’ Park with a motivational speaker and job interview – pre SJP visit for specific target groups. 

  • Create additional assessment opportunities where funding may be a barrier i.e. GCSE PE climbing. 

  • A ‘Boost’ event following trial examinations in March 2024. 

 All years: 

  • Regular training for all staff and trainees on the Pupil Premium and supporting students. 

  • Whole school, departmental and individual Raising Achievement initiatives and trips 

  • Targeted revision/catch up workshops and breakfast clubs. 

  • Funded music lessons and financial support for extra-curricular trips where appropriate. 

  • More frequent monitoring and contact with parents regarding progress and students’ attendance at support sessions. 

  • Nutritional support where needed.  

  • Access to uniform and PE kit.  

  • Bespoke intervention for groups and/or individuals where needed. 

Previously looked after children & children in care: 

  • All students are allocated with a specialist non-teaching keyworker who supports teaching and learning, and their social emotional and mental health. 

  • Pupil Premium Strategy (including evaluation) 2023 Download
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